About Hypercharge

Hypercharge Technology Limited is the leading innovator in the battery technology sector, working with the electric car manufacturers to significantly improve range and reduce charging times.

HyperCharge Logo

Hypercharge’s Goal – Zero Emission Mobility

Electric vehicles are constantly improving in performance; however, they are still subject to the limitations of their batteries with regards to charging times and range. As consumers become more inclined to consider EV’s as daily transport, these two factors need to be addressed before EV’s are adopted in the mainstream.

With an innovative approach to the chemistry of Li-Ion batteries, Hypercharge Technology has taken the EV battery to a new level of performance.

A fully charged EV battery in five minutes…

Hypercharge has solved one of the key issues which challenge the adoption of EV’s. In developing its FCT battery, Hypercharge has reduced the charging time of standard EV batteries from several hours to just minutes.

Working hand in hand with industry leaders such as Volkswagen and Nio, Hypercharge has significantly improved the charging experience and effectively made range anxiety a thing of the past.

A Team Dedicated to an EV Battery Revolution

  • 8 years of intense battery research and development
  • World leading team of experts and researchers
  • Unique know-how that covers the entire Li-Ion battery ecosystem
  • Extensive IP portfolio: over 150 granted and in process patents with global coverage
  • Innovation across all battery domains: materials (cathode, anode, separator, and electrolyte), cell design, pack optimization, BMS and charging integration
  • Strategic manufacturing partnerships, key for commercialization scale up, with battery manufacturer for the production on standard Li-ion lines

Management Team

HyperCharge’s strong and cohesive leadership team brings massive track-record leading global corporations.

David Smith

David Smith, DPhil
Executive Chairman

Daren George

Daren George, DSc
CEO and Co-founder

Mel Halberstein

Mel Halberstein,

Aharon Tirosh

Aharon Tirosh

Avraham Aronov, PhD

Avraham Aronov, PhD

Avner Canan
Avner Canan

Eliezer Kislexy
VP Eng. and Ops.

Helen Barlev

Helen Barlev

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